One of America’s best financial PR agencies
Ebook, Landing Page, and Email

Recognized by Forbes and O’Dwyers as one of America’s best financial PR agencies, KCD PR is a strategic communications agency for fintech, financial, technology, cybersecurity and blockchain/Web3 companies.
They planned to launch a lead generation campaign featuring their Ebook, Fintech PR: Strategies for Growth and Success.

“KCD PR reached out to Gondola to help us transform a long and time-intensive eBook draft into an important lead generation tool for the agency. Gondola helped us completely rethink the project and tighten our copy, deliverables, and goals. What Gondola delivered, in terms of UX design, was not only striking, effective, and highly professional, but also drove tens of new business leads from multiple online and social channels.”
—Julian Willis, Director of Digital Marketing, KCD PR
The Landing Page