Ancestry - Gondola Design


The premier website for genealogy and family history

Content Hub


Ancestry is the world’s premier online resource for genealogy, family history research, and DNA testing. 


As an internet company that’s been publishing content online for nearly three decades, Ancestry has created a powerful wealth of resources to inform, engage, and activate new subscribers. The problem was that the best of these resources were scattered in a number of different places – various blogs, landing pages, campaign assets, and more. It was difficult to locate and direct users to the right resources that would benefit them.  Ancestry wanted to find a way to centrally locate this wide variety of content in one central, easy-to-navigate place.


The Ancestry Curiosity Center. We designed a content hub, neatly organized into key interest areas, searchable and easy to browse. This allowed Ancestry to highlight new and timely content, while also surfacing evergreen high-performing widgets and interactive entry points.

Content Hub Design on Phone